Upcoming Events

Violin // Trumpet // Melodica
Freesound musicians Aysel Taghi-Zada (violin), Émilie Fortin (trumpet), and Wesley Shen (keyboards) are joined by composer Martin Arnold in the performance of an evening-length new work for trio.

Violin // Trumpet // Melodica
Freesound musicians Aysel Taghi-Zada (violin), Émilie Fortin (trumpet), and Wesley Shen (keyboards) are joined by composer Martin Arnold in the performance of an evening-length new work for trio.

Music for Solo Instruments
Freesound performs three sets of works for solo instruments with electronics.

Music for Solo Instruments
Freesound performs three sets of works for solo instruments with electronics.

Freesound Presents: IDENTITY
Freesound welcomes percussionist Matthew Lau, who will present his solo show, IDENTITY!

Freesound Presents: Ensemble Musikfabrik
The program highlights visionary composers, with Canadian premieres by Gordon Williamson, Georgina Bowden, Juliet Palmer and Dylan Lardelli, as well as a work by Pauline Oliveros. Performed by three prominent members of Musikfabrik.

Music for Piano Quartet II
Freesound performs music for piano quartet, featuring the premiere of a new work by Laure M. Hiendl

Music for Piano Quartet II
Freesound performs music for piano quartet, featuring the premiere of a new work by Laure M. Hiendl

Freesound Presents: Mostly Open Scores
Members of Freesound perform text and graphic scores with a special guest appearance by Andrew Noseworthy!

Vortex Temporum #2
Freesound perform Gérard Grisey’s monumental sextet, Vortex Temporum (1995), paired with a new work by Freesound’s keyboardist, Wesley Shen. Conducted by special guest, Kelly Lin.

Vortex Temporum #1
Freesound perform Gérard Grisey’s monumental sextet, Vortex Temporum (1995), paired with a new work by Freesound’s keyboardist, Wesley Shen. Conducted by special guest, Kelly Lin.

Freesound Presents: Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, piano
Freesound & Arraymusic Co-Present Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa, pianist, in a concert of music by Rodney Sharman and friends.

Patterns in a Chromatic Field
Members of Freesound perform Morton Feldman’s 80-minute long Patterns in a Chromatic Field (1981) for cello and piano.

Patterns in a Chromatic Field
Members of Freesound perform Morton Feldman’s 80-minute long Patterns in a Chromatic Field (1981) for cello and piano.

Open Studio: Paolo Griffin
Freesound joins its Artistic Director, Paolo Griffin, at the Canadian Music Centre for an Open Studio featuring his work and music.

Private Event: Graphic/Text Score Sessions
Members of Freesound workshop and record a series of graphic and text scores by Paolo Griffin, Alex Tang, Anna Höstman, and Cornelius Pardew

Earth Ears, listening to the Earth with Pauline Oliveros @ Fondation d’entreprise Pernod Ricard
Fondation d’enterprise Pernod Ricard presents an exhibition on the life and work of Pauline Oliveros at ApertoArts in Paris including an audio/video recording of Freesound’s 2020 performance of Earth Ears: A Sonic Ritual by Pauline Oliveros from November 2023 to February 2024.

Talk: Freesound @ University of Toronto
Freesound Artistic Director Paolo Griffin talks to the University of Toronto Composition Department on Freesound, activities, organization, and more.

Talk: Émilie Fortin @ University of Toronto
Émilie Fortin, Artistic Director of Bakarlari and trumpet player in Freesound presents a talk on composing for the trumpet to the University of Toronto composition department.

Music for Trumpet, Accordion, & Percussion
Members of Freesound perform works for trumpet, accordion, and percussion, by composers from Canada, England, The Netherlands, and Finland.

Shadow Mudras
Freesound and Arraymusic Co-present an exciting evening of music by Karen Yu and Ken Ueno.

Music for Shō & Accordion
Freesound members Wesley Shen, Michael Murphy, and Matti Pulkki perform music written for them by Janet Sit (CA), Andrew Hulse (US/CA), Haotian Yu (CA), Michele Foresi (IT), and Sarah Peebles (US/CA).

Music for Violin & Electronics
Violinist Aysel Taghi-Zada performs music by James O’Callaghan (CA), Christina Volpini (CA), Taylor Brook (CA), and Franghiz Ali-Zadeh (AZ) in an exciting concert of works for violin and live electronics.
Music for Viola & Cello 2
Format: Digital
10 Preludes of Solo Cello (1974) by Sofia Gubaidulina
The Space Between Us (2021)** for viola and cello by Stephanie Orlando
Music for shō and accordion 2
Format: Digital
10 Preludes of Solo Cello (1974) by Sofia Gubaidulina
The Space Between Us (2021)** for viola and cello by Stephanie Orlando

Music for Trumpet, Accordion, and Percussion #2
Format: Digital
a glance at the sun (2008) by Jeff Herriott
I Guess I Love You Too (2019) for accordion by Kalle Autio
unacceptance (2021)** for trumpet, accordion, and percussion by Lieke van der Voort

Freesound and No Hay Banda @ Women From Space Festival
'According to The Moon' vocal works of Gayle Young by Sarah Albu will be launched at the Women From Space Festival. Co-presented with No Hay Banda and Freesound.
Women from Space hosts Sarah and Gayle with guest musicians from No Hay Banda (Montréal) and Freesound (Toronto): Noam Bierstone, Aysel Taghi-Zada, Wesley Shen, Émilie Fortin

Music for Shō and Accordion #2
Format: Digital
Sakura (2008) for shō by Toshio Hosokawa
Tangential Undertows (2021) for two shō by Janet Sit
Dance(s) - for two shō and accordion by Jo Kondo

Music for Viola & Cello #2
Format: Digital
The Space Between Us (2021) for viola and cello by Stephanie Orlando
10 Preludes for Solo Cello (1974) by Sofia Gubaidulina

Music for Trumpet, Accordion, and Percussion #1
Format: Digital
Four Pieces for Trumpet and Percussion (2008) by Laurence Crane
3 Unuttered Miracles (2016) for accordion and percussion by Tyler Versluis
Une marche dans l'bois (2021)** for trumpet, accordion, and percussion by Sophie Dupuis

Music for piano
Format: Digital
Allemande (2011) by Anna Höstman
O forse, l’ho già perduta poco a poco… (2018) by Juro Kim Feliz

LIVE: Music for piano quartet
Location: Anette Studios
to gwen, with love (2021) by Georgia Denham
Weird Things, Normal Things (2021) by James Lowrie
Tickets $15 regular/$10 Arts Workers/Seniors/Students
You can pay at the door or reserve in advance by emailing annettestudios@gmail.com