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Music for Trumpet, Accordion, & Percussion

Friday March 1, 2024 @ Arraymusic - Link to Map

Members of Freesound perform works for trumpet, accordion, and percussion, by composers from Canada, England, The Netherlands, and Finland.


Six Pieces for Trumpet & Percussion (2001) – Laurence Crane

nonacceptance (2021) - Lieke van der Voort

Une marche dans l'bois (2021) - Sophie Dupuis

Metal Work (1984) – Magnus Lindberg

Neshamah (2021) – Christopher Fox

Émilie Fortin, trumpet
Matti Pulkki, accordion
Michael Murphy, percussion
Paolo Griffin, Artistic Director

Link to Program Notes

With the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Toronto Arts Council, the SOCAN Foundation, Arraymusic, the Canadian Music Centre, and Society Clubhouse.

Venue Guide

For the ease of all attendees, we’re pleased to provide a Venue Guide for Arrayspace.

Questions & Accessibility Requests

Freesound is committed to meeting the needs of our audience to the best of our abilities. If you have a question or request, we want to hear from you!

If you have an accessiblity-related question or request(s), please contact Paolo Griffin at

COVID Safety Measures

Masks are recommended

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home regardless of the test results.

Thank You to Our Donors, Sponsors, and Community Partners

October 15

Shadow Mudras

October 23

Talk: Émilie Fortin @ University of Toronto